Persian Book House

Types of Books

The Diversity of Book Printing at Persian Book House: The Benefits of Paperback, Hardcover, and Custom Cover Books

In an era greatly influenced by technology and diverse audience demands, Persian Book House meets the varied needs of publishers and authors by offering a range of book printing services. Considering the fast and efficient printing and publishing processes of this establishment, we will delve into three popular book printing options—Paperback, Hardcover, and Custom Cover Books—and delineate the advantages of each in comparison to other printing methods.


Paperback printing, also known as softcover book printing, is one of the most common and economical methods in the publishing world. Noted for its cost-effectiveness due to the flexibility of the production process and shorter project timelines, it is exceptionally suitable for Short Run printing. Since Short Run printing allows authors and publishers to produce quality products in limited quantities without the worry of excess inventory space and extravagant costs, there is a growing demand for paperback books.

Types of Books

hardcover Books

The second option available from Persian Book House is hardcover book printing. These books, with their highly durable and attractive appearance, are the ideal choice for printings that seek longevity and high quality. Although the production cost of a hardcover book is higher and the printing process traditionally uses Offset techniques, which are more cost-effective at higher volumes, its competitive advantage in the book market, especially in segments that seek visual appeal and aesthetic qualities, is unparalleled.

Types of Books

Custom Cover Books

The third option we will address is Custom Cover Books printing. By employing the latest printing technologies and modern equipment, Persian Book House enables writers and publishers to showcase their visual creativity in book cover design. This method, allowing for the accommodation of desired images and designs, is ideal for special collections, commemorative editions, and limited publications that aim to create a unique work.

With its extensive range of book printing services, Persian Book House ensures that every writer and publisher can select the best option based on their needs and budget. Whether it’s the economical and flexible paperbacks, the durable and lasting hardcovers, or the creative and exclusive custom cover books, Persian Book House is always there to make the experience of publishing your book a distinct one. An intelligent choice that can maximize the ultimate potential of your works.

Types of Books

With us at Persian Book House, focus on targeted and parallel marketing alongside the production of your book.

Cover Design Pricing

The best way to draw in readers is with a captivating cover. We offer three cover design levels, allowing you to choose your style and complexity. Give your book the edge it needs to succeed.

Text Design Pricing

Often overlooked, interior design helps leave a lasting impression on your readers. We’ll handle all the little details, such as spacing, typeface, and page headers, to turn your pages into works of art.

Our Design Process

Have personal photos or images you’d like to incorproate into your book? See our design timelines and learn how you can work one-on-one with a dedicated designer to make the perfect book.